This is the Archive of pages in the Flute of Hope story. You can come here to catch up, or to just find a page that you liked a lot. The pages are set up in the order that they appeared. Bolded dates are pages that are part of sidequests in the story. They are optional and can be avoided.
05/01/12 - Room 203
05/01/12 - Room 202
05/01/12 - Room 201
04/30/12 - Floor Three
04/30/12 - Floor Two
04/30/12 - Floor One
04/30/12 - Command Tower
04/28/12 - Return to Town
04/28/12 - Refugee Camp
04/28/12 - Return to Town
04/28/12 - Link: Get Ruby
04/27/12 - Gardens
04/27/12 - Link: Go behind the Training Hall
04/27/12 - Training Hall
04/27/12 - Return to Town
04/27/12 - Talk to Goron
04/27/12 - Refugee Camp
04/27/12 - Return to Town
04/27/12 - Link: Wake up
04/27/12 - ==>
04/25/12 - [S] Terra: Play Tune
04/24/12 - [S] Link: Enter Training Hall
04/23/12 - Training Hall
04/23/12 - Refugee Camp
04/23/12 - Gardens
04/23/12 - ==>
04/23/12 - Link: Steal his magic words
04/23/12 - Link: Find an information booth
04/23/12 - Link: Ask her to pull back her hair
04/23/12 - Link: Go up and greet her
04/23/12 - [S] Link: Enter
04/23/12 - ==>
04/23/12 - Link: Ride
04/23/12 - ==>
04/23/12 - HORSEY
04/23/12 - Mr. Ed
04/23/12 - Melvin
04/23/12 - Link: Go to horse outside
04/22/12 - Link: Examine emblem on table
04/22/12 - Link: Place cap on head
04/22/12 - Get out of bed
04/22/12 - Flute of Hope